Please help fund The Transparency in Maternity Care Project! We have received a matching grant, That means that every dollar you give is matched by a dollar from our donors.

Please help support the CIMS Transparency in Maternity Care Project: The Birth Survey. Your financial support is critical to making this grassroots project a success. Help fund the rental of expensive provider and facility lists that are at the heart of the birth survey, as well as, marketing, ambassador trainings, and technical infrastructure. This is a 100% volunteer run project and all your donation dollars go directly to our project.

Visit the CIMS website and select The Birth Survey from the drop down list. DONATE NOW!The Transparency in Maternity Care Project: The Birth Survey is a project of the Grassroots Advocates Committee of The Coalition for Improving Maternity Services (CIMS)

CIMS is non-profit coalition of numerous individuals and more than 50 organizations representing over 90,000 members. Our mission is to promote a wellness model of maternity care that will improve birth outcomes and substantially reduce costs.

Help support The Birth Survey by becoming a member of CIMS